
Welcome to FabLab Nordvest

Fablab Nordvest is a non-profit community workshop run by volunteers, where you can get cheap access to a broad range of tools and digital production machinery – and more important: learn to use these and meet likeminded people. We have CNC-machines, laser cutters, 3D printers, a 6-axis robot arm, vinyl cutter and much more. The lab has recently moved and is in the proces of  re-establishing itself in a new makerspace at Ringertoften 2.

You can use the machines for iterative product development, prototyping, as well as do-it-yourself and hobby projects.

You have to become a member of the association to use the facilities.

You pay 200,- DKK per month which gives you access to the fablab in the opening hours you see at the bottom of this page. You have free use of the machines within the opening hours, but mass production is not allowed.

You can get answers for your questions in our FAQ. If you have other questions or ideas for projects do not hesitate to contact us.

Visit us:

We have a weekly open house every Thursday between 19:00 and 22:00 where you are welcome to drop by and get a tour of the lab.


Most news is announced on facebook.com/fablabnordvest and in the Member Group that you will be forwarded to if you join the association. We’re slowly migrating internal comm to a Discord server. You will find a QRcode at the lab which you can use to join the server.

All members MUST subscribe to the newsletter: sign up here as it is used for formal communication regarding the association. Non-memebers and ex-members can also subscribe.